In collaboration with the customer, we study and design the ideal visual imprint that highlights the singularity and excellence of the product while effectively communicating the company’s brand.

Having years of experience in producing food labels, we have optimized the production process by investing in new technology. With a wide variety of materials and printing methods – fully compatible and suited to the sensitive food sector – and taking into consideration the conditions in which the product will be exposed, food labels can maintain their original quality whille on display, thus constituting the content’s excellence.

With all the specifications of the European legislation on Food contact and many innovative techniques we design and print:

  • Self-adhesive cooking oil labels
  • Self-adhesive honey labels
  • Self-adhesive cheese and dairy labels
  • Self-adhesive cured meat products labels

In materials such as:

  • Self-adhesive glossy white paper
  • White self-adhesive PP plastic sticker, with moisture resistant adhesive, waterproof and water resistant.
  • Transparent self-adhesive PP plastic sticker, with moisture resistant adhesive, waterproof and water resistant.
  • White matt self-adhesive porous paper
  • Kraft self-adhesive paper
  • Freezer self-adhesive paper
  • Thermal self-adhesive paper
  • Self-adhesive paper for label printers

Our Quality Management System provides all the necessary certificates of suitability for the production process and the materials used for printing food labels.

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